
The following example shows how to create a swap with web3js and calling make, followed by trading the swap by calling take.

The DEX contract utlitizes ABIEncoderV2 to pass arrays of structs as function arguments, and to our knowledge, web3js can only pass such arguments through a raw transaction, which requires the private key of the sender.

Initialize contract

// config variables
let dexAddress       = "<dex-contract-address>";
let dexABIFilePath   = "<dex-abi-file-path>";
let makerAddress     = "<maker-address>";
let makerPrivateKey  = "<maker-private-key>";
let takerAddress     = "<taker-address>";

// create contract
let abi = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dexABIFilePath));
let contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, dexAddress);

Send make transaction helper

sendMakeTransaction = async function(make, take, whitelist) {
    // encoded make function signature
    let encoded = contract.methods.makeSwap(make, take, false, 0, whitelist).encodeABI();

    // build transaction
    let transaction = {
        from: senderAddress,
        to: dexAddress,
        data: encoded,
        value: 0,
        nonce: await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(from),
        gasPrice: await web3.eth.getGasPrice(),
        gasLimit: 1000000,
        chainId: web3.eth.net.getId(),

    // send raw transaction
    let signed = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(transaction, makerPrivateKey);
    let receipt = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signed.rawTransaction);

    // extract swap id from SwapMade event
    let event = await dex_contract.getPastEvents('SwapMade', {from_block: 0, toBlock: 'latest'});
    let swapId = event[0].returnValues.id;

    return swapId;

Open a swap with make

makeExampleSwap = async function() {

    // components for the make-side of the swap
    let make = [
        // ERC1155 component (asset type 0)
            tokenAddress: t.art,
            tokenIds: [],
            amounts: [],
            assetType: 0
        // ERC20 component (asset type 2)
            tokenAddress: t.art,
            tokenIds: [],
            amounts: [],
            assetType: 2
        // ETHER component (asset type 3)
            tokenAddress: '',
            tokenIds: [],
            amounts: [],
            assetType: 3

    // components for the take-side of the swap
    let take = [
        // ERC721 component (asset type 1)
            tokenAddress: t.art,
            tokenIds: tokenIds,
            amounts: [],
            assetType: 1

    let swapId = await sendMakeTransaction(make, take, []);


Trade a swap with take

takeExampleSwap = async function(swapId) {
    // Calculate fee through the contract.
    // If taker has enough NFT.org tokens, the fee is reduced or even waived.
    let fee = await this.dex_contract.methods.fees().call({
        from: takerAddress

    // Check that the fee is within the expected range
        'fee is higher than expected');

    // Take the swap
    let receipt = await dex_contract.methods.take(swapId).send({
        from: takerAddress,
        gas: 1000000,
        value: fee


Inspect the traded swap

inspectExampleSwap = async function(swapId) {
    let swap = await dex_contract.methods.swap(swapId).call({
        from: makerAddress
